Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DAY 28 - Panting heart?!

Hmm?!  . . . Hum . . .!?

There are 3 ways to look at a question: 

1. Superficial - on the surface.
2. Emotional - under the skin.
3. Spiritual - within a breath.

Now the question: "Where is your heart?"

- Superficially, you know where it is physically. You can feel it.
- Emotionally, it's where someone or something is bothering you or making your heart gasp!
- Spiritually, it's where you aspire to go and what, to be.

The inner life-breath always aspires to return to its Source, the Life Aspirator - the Holy One.

Yet the real question is not just - is your life-breath dwelling within or are you residing in the Life Aspirator, but are you allowing Him to dwell within?

Breath . . . please. 

- Better yet, how do you allow the Life Aspirator to dwell within you?

Answer this. Is your heart panting? 

- Hmm?!

If not, seek a place for your heart to be so.

Now, submerge yourself in your own lifebreath then sink down into your panting heart. Let it suck and swoon you inside. Allow yourself to sink even deeper till you know.

- How? How do you know?

Simple. It's when the Holy Aspirator reveals Himself to be the Eternal Holy Inspirator. From Him all life-breaths aspire. Then you know.

. . . He's dwelling within . . . .

Breathe . . . Breathe out . .  . now.

God bless y'all.

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