Friday, September 17, 2010

DAY 22 - Eyeshut.

Does this also happen to you?

- Does what happen to me? You may ask.

When you shut your eye, don't you naturally want to take a breath and then breathe out . . . ?! And when breathing out . . . you naturally open your eyes?

Try and see for yourself. 

- Eyeshut . . . Inhale . . . Breathe out . . . Eye-open.

Does that happen?

Try again. 

- Eyeshut . . . Inhale . . . Breathe out . . . Eye-open.

How about this. When you yawn, don't you also naturally want to close your eyes? And then when breathing out . . . you open?

Try and see. 

- Yawn . . . Eyeshut . . . Exale . . . Eye-open. 

Isn't that so?

- Um . . .!? So what's the point?

Well, isn't that fascinating and at the same time helpful at all? Don't you feel relax when you do that?

The point is simple. When you shut your eyes, you perceive yourself being in an infinite space and without opening your eyes when you breathe out . . .  it's not just you breathing out . . . the air into atmosphere surrounding you, you in fact breathe out life into this infinite space which is "YOU." 

Then . . . you feel really  relaxed.

Do you see it?! . . . Do you see the point now??

Try it and see. 

- Eyeshut . . . Inhale . . . Eyes still shut and breathe out . . . down into the sole of your feet.

- Eyeshut, breathe out . . . into the crown of your head.

- Eyeshut, breathe out . . . into every cells in your body.

- Eyeshut, breathe out . . . into the present and infinite space - Who is "YOU."

Breathe . . . Breathe out now into Eternity - WHO IS . . . The Gentle Holy Ghost. 

God bless y'all now.

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