Monday, September 6, 2010

DAY 17 - Balloon.

Want to get high? Be light.

The higher you climb, the lighter you need.

- And how? How do you become light?

You know. Get rid of all the unnecessary baggages. 

You do that as a traveller. You pack only what's necessary. 

- But what is the true necessity?

Of course, food and water. 
Yet, nothing like breath . . . 
Breath . . . is the ultimate.

As long as you are able and has breath to breathe, you still can do.

With breath, strength. Without breath, death.

And yet you cannot pack breath. It's already present everywhere. 

Neither can you bring along your ability to breathe, it has been granted you . . . for the time being.

All you need to do is use it and breathe out . . . 
Return it to the rightful Owner.
And you know WHO THAT IS . . . .

The journey on high requires you to use your breathing wisely.

Breath . . . will always be present. But your ability . . . will not.
Breath . . . exists from eternity to eternity. You were not and will not. 
Unless you allow yourself to be . . . . Be now. 

You know. You can't be past nor future. . . Only now. 
It's your mind and desire that trick you to live in the past and future. 
But you can only be now.

Once again, how? 

You turn yourself over and let Breath . . .  take over. 

Once taken over, breath will lead the way. 

Breath . . . will make you light. 
Breath . . . will give you life. 
Breath . . . will make you strong. 
Breath . . . will help you be . . . now.

Strange! You are light and strong at the same time.
Strange! You were not and will not, then now you are!

Only the Holy One, WHO IS . . .  can do that.

But be careful! 

Don't attempt to own breath and keep breath for yourself. 
It will blow you up and up and higher and higher. 
'Til you burst . . . just like a balloon

Be careful!

Only breathe out . . . and give out . . . 
Give back what belongs to the rightful Owner, 
WHO IS . . . 
the Lord of Life, 
the Everliving Breath of God, 
the Gentle Holy Ghost.

Breathe . . . Breathe out now.

God bless you'all.

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