Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DAY 55 - How To Relate . . .

Gee! What's going on here?
. . . in three (3) areas:

1. With the intelligent beings,
2. With the energetic beings and 
3. With the flow of how beings work. 

- First, the intelligent beings include animals, humans, demons, angels and The Unnamable. Each has a unique personality and spiritual core. Here humility or self-knowledge is of utmost importance.

- Secondly, the energetic beings are matters which could be converted into energy and vice versa.  Each has a distinctive character but no personality. You can call it an it. Yet you must respect it and learn from its nature, otherwise you find no cooperation. Here love and care must involve for them to yield.

- Thirdly, this one also has its own inner unique character. It's the interaction between matter and energy, energy and intelligent beings and intelligent beings with each other. Here you need to go with the flow and use your intuitive sense of perception. 

The point?!
Hiss, hiss . . . . Arrggh! My wing . .  hiss broken.
Don't mess with Michael . . .  He plays hard!

- Quite simple. You cannot force your will upon anyone or anything in the universe. You do that, it will backfire. 

Try forcing your will on a child and see. Or try it on your wife or husband and see. Or try it on a snake?! Or nature like the fire, the rivers, the ocean and the earth! 

History teaches so many lessons. They always find a way to retaliate!

Things, the inner working of things and people are made with a definite and unique nature.

Learn the nature of things, people and their inner workings. Then learn to relate to them respectfully. It will take patience and patience pays.

For instance, farmers learn the hard way to work or cooperate with the earth, the wind, the weather, the water, the rain, the soil, the sun and the seasons. The more they respect nature the more nature will yield its fruits for them.

Another instance: Take an artist like a pianist. To become a piano connoisseur she has to love and respect all kinds of sounds. She learns to be in tune with the rhythm of life, in particular her own. She could feel the texture of various sounds, even smell and taste them with her soul. Then when she touches the piano keyboard, it comes to life. It willingly yields itself to help breathe out the voice of the human hearts. 

- Too complicated?!
Let go of your so...u...l . . . . and flow . . . . !

Well, everything boils down to one. Learn to relate.

The greatest way to do it is love. Learn to love.

The simplest way to love is give. Learn to give.

Learn all, love all and give all then you shall see.

Breathe out . . . now in the awe-inspiring silence of the Serenity Spirit.

God bless y'all.

Friday, March 25, 2011


What y'all looking for?!
How many kind of lifeforms can a person see?

- For now, seven (7): light life, earth life, ocean life, plant life, animal life, human life and spirits' life.

There's an eighth one but that life-form is form-less . . . It's a one but at the same time, an all

You can't put it on the list nor can you call it an eighth. It doesn't feel right. You just can't touch it.

Where . . . Who are you?!
Even calling it an it is wrong for it is not a thing but a Person, a limitless Personinvisible, indivisible, intangible and beyond. Most importantly, Divine.

Even that, is not right!
                                                     * * *
Anywho, all types of lifeforms, except Divine Life, are transient and interdependent. Only Divine Life is self-subsistent and self-generating.

I'm hungry. . . . I want LIGHT. . . . Feed me!
The transient lifeforms feed on each other to prolong their life. Then comes the moment when they can no longer sustain themselves. That's the time when they have to go. They become food for other lifeforms.

Look to see so you can see.

Light feeds the earth.

The earth and light feed the ocean.

The ocean, earth and light feed the plants.

The plants, ocean, earth and light feed the animals.

The animals, plants, ocean, earth and light feed the humans.

The humans, animals, plants, ocean, earth and light feed the spirits.

- Huh?! 

No capish?! Can't see?!

Alright, let's go see the negative spirits first.
Ouch! That hurts.

Don't we all at times feed fear and anger and lust? 

- These three (3) spirits are sometimes real needs and other times, forms of self-deception.

Don't we all at least once feed sadness, anxiety and desperation?

- These spirits are offsprings of the three (3) above-mentioned spirits.

These spirits spread like wildfire and consume different lifeforms, including human's. Ask how the World Wars came to be and . . . . to end?!

But why call fear, anger, lust, sadness, anxiety and desperation spirits?

- Simply, they are and have their own lives - and once they take over a lifeform, in particular human's, they are all consuming. They are intelligent and self-determined. Intelligent, for they have a purpose; self-determined, for they won't stop till they fulfill their purpose. However their intelligence is pseudo and determination, parasitic.

The process of feeding the spirits is simple.

- First: the spirit comes and touches your emotion then your body - then takes over your mind. 

- Second: you like and taste it then you keep liking it to the point of becoming obsessed with it.

- Then third: you feed on them for your life; you can't live without them. Now it's food for your soul and raison d'ĂȘtre for your life. 

Many addicts even create ideologies, governments and industries just to feed it and feed on it. 

Look and see how many of the global industries are promoting and feeding on fear, lust and hatred! 

Please take a breath and breathe out . . . now. 

Ahhh! I can breathe now . . . . Yeah!
Then there are also the other wonderful spirits . . . . With these you have to learn how to relate. 

These spirits love to share their lives with you. They respect each and every lifeform and don't take life nor impose their will on any kind of life-species. They prefer to have a free and mutually respectful relationship with anyone. 

They share themselves freely only when you humbly and respectfully ask. But first you need to learn to be patient, kind, meek, humble and especially truly good, otherwise can't know them.

Breathe out . . . . all the tenseness now 
. . . . and breathe in the spirit of tenderness.

Breathe out . . . . all the fearfulness now 
. . . . and breathe in the spirit of freshness.

Breathe out . . . . all the restlessness now
. . . . and breathe in the spirit of restfulness.

Breathe out . . . now into the all-loving and ever-living Divine Spirit of Mercy.

God bless y'all. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

DAY 53 - Learning.

This is what I've learned so far.

Over here is mine . . . . . . . and that's yours.

Bake a bigger cake rather than fight to the death for a bigger piece!

Heh, everybody! Take a bite . . . .

Come on . . . stop shoving, please!

- Open a new door rather than keep waiting in line and wasting time.

Come on in . . . anyone who thirsts for Me and My Mercy!
- There are two (2) types of people: 

1. Number one: People are happy wherever you go. 
Heh, you look silly!!!
2. Number two: people are happy whenever you're gone. 

Which are you, eh?

- "Today, do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). 

Literally, "Today, don't be sad, for the gladness of the Lord is the Citadel that protects you."

Take a breath and breathe out . . . now in the joyous spirit of Lent and into the joyful aura of the Holy Spirit. 

God bless y'all.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

DAY 52 @ 3:00 PM - Pray.

Please let's us pray for Japan.

We are with you, too!
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Show us Your Mercy, Lord. 
Give us a kind soul to share the suffering, 
a generous heart to help in words, in deeds and in prayers.

God bless all of you.


For you... Japan.

Why the tears? Or better, when?

The answer lies in one word and the coming into being and reality of this word is the beginning of all sufferings. In other words, all sufferings are offsprings of this word.

Hmm!? So what's the word?

- Well, before presenting the word we need to know who are its parents.

Let's go meet the parents first.

In the beginning, God creates....

First: the light. 
Second: the universe. 
Third: the earth. 
Fourth: the plants. 
Fifth: the animals. 
And finally: the human beings. 

In the material realm, not the spiritual, none of God's creation has an ego, for none can address itself as an "I" or a "me" but the humans. 

A tree, a dog, a cat, an elephant, a whale, a moon, a sun and a galaxy, none can say "I am," except for "you" and "me."

- Isn't that great?! Yup.

Now everyone knows the artist, the author or creator of anything is the owner of his or her own creation. God creates everything so everything belongs to God.

And everything also includes everyone.

Everyone is so happy knowing everything belongs to God. Even happier when God says to the humans, "Sons and daughters, I give you all. Take care of it. But remember, you are Mine."

- Wow! Wonderful!

Then one day - a forgetful day but unforgettable, a word comes and speaks to the humans. His name is "O...f." Yup, that's still his name: "Of."  

He points at everything and asks the humans, "Isn't that all yours?"

At first, the humans were a bit confused but then "Of" suggests, "Feel it. Yup, fe....e....l it," he adds,  "Don't you feel they're all yours?!.... Sure they are." 

Then that's it. Tears start rolling. 
Ha! Ha! Ha! Y'all mine! Mine! Mine!

The humans were ecstatic. They laughed out with a belly laughter, "Everything is mine now! Yup, "All mine.... ha! ha! ha!" 

When the ecstatic laughter ends, suddenly silence.... Then their senses come back and they start remembering: "Oops! We made a mistake, a grave one." 

They realize, "We completely forgot about the One Who creates all - everything and everyone, including us. We just forgot about WHAT'S HIS NAME???.... Let's see, The Unknown All-Knowing Knower?!... The Uncreated Ever-Creating Original Artist?!... The One Who Is?!.... How could we?!" 

They keep repeating to themselves, "How could we?!" 

Emotionally confused and mentally conflicted, tears once again flow. This time, tears of suffering.
How could we?!!!

So that was the origin of suffering and the beginning of tears.

                                                             * * *

Huh?! That doesn't make any sense. What's this all about?

- Simply put, the beginning of suffering and origin of tears.

So, when the tears? And what's the word that causes all sufferings? Those are the questions at the outset, aren't they?

- Yup, right! And here it is: You feel pain and heartache everytime you lose something or someone. Why? Only because they belong to you. They are yours. 

You can only suffer when you have something or someone you call "mine." Tears flow when you lose what is "mine." 

The formula is this: 

1. Me + Of = Mine
2. Reality = Nothing is mine.
3. Mine + Reality = Tearful Suffering.

There's no pain with "me" nor with "of" but when they marry each other to become "mine," suffering begins.

When "mine" meets "reality," "reality" says "nothing is yours" but  "mine" resists forcefully and reacts violently. "Mine" vehemently rejected "reality," but "reality" remains "reality" so "mine" starts deteriorating. It then breaks down into tearful suffering, for it can't have nor keep anything.

The reality is this. The connection between "me" and everything as well as everyone is "of." In fact, "of" is the glue that connects "me" to the world. But when the time comes, "reality" sets in and the glue doesn't stick nor want to stick anymore, "me" has to let go. Otherwise continuous  suffering.

The Lord God did say clearly: "You are in the world but not of the world," didn't He?!

Yep, He did!
Now the ultimate loss is when you lose "yourself." 

Consider this: "Are you yours?!" 

Take a breath and take a look again: "Am I mine?!"

Remember what God said when giving you all? 

- You are Mine!

. . . . He too suffers so much for it and hence this season, the Lenten.

Breathe out . . . now into the all-pervading and ever-patient presence of the Most Merciful God, The Holy Ghost.

God bless y'all.

Monday, March 7, 2011

DAY 51 - How to listen.

All I want is love. Ooooh smooooth. . . !

Lie is like chocolate and truth, tea.

Chocolate is sweet and self-drowning. It takes you first and kills you after.

And tea?!
O dear, I love you till death but first let's have tea!
Yeah . . . eh!

It's bitter and soul-awakening. It lightens then en-lightens after. Oh, it rids the fat too!

So when tasting you listen.

Yes, listen to 7 levels of significance:

1. The surrounding: what you feel.
2. The people: what you hear.
3. The law: what you know.
4. The predicament: what you fear.
5. The duty: what you must do.
6. The heart: what you love.
7. The Spirit: What God wants.

The prerequisite to listening is to live in the soul.

Breathe out . . . now into the enlightening tea-filled reality of the Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

DAY 50 - Hungry vs Angry.

Anger makes you small and stupid. Hunger makes you empty and smart.
Look at the angry person and you know what the devil looks like.
An angry person is like a walking bomb. Stay away, far away. Else you'll be blown apart.

Look at a hungry child then you know what God looks like.
A hungry person is like a walking dead. Stay aware, much aware. For God may be there.

Fear God is wisdom. Avoid evil is understanding.

The trick is to know what is evil to avoid and where God is to fear.

Breathe out now into the ever-caring atmosphere of the Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all.