Saturday, October 23, 2010

DAY 37 - You . . . whoo!

Yum . . .Yum. You should try it sometimes. 
It tastes like chicken!

Breathing is feeding.

Yup. You're feeding yourself right now just by breathing . . . . 

You're feeding your body, mind and soul with breath . . . .

Every morning you wake up, the first thing you sometimes consciously do is breathing . . . . Other times, you're just zombie unconscious.

Whichever way, conscious or unconscious, you feed yourself with breathing . . . .

Every time you breathe, don't you feel like you're expanding yourself?! That is to say, by breathing in . . . . you expand your inner space and breathing out . . . . you expand your outer space. Either way or even both ways, breathing is expanding. Isn't it so? 

- Look and examine.

The Secret of the Universe lies in the Nose.
I smell someth'n fishy around here . . . !
Have you ever observed a growing child when it feeds? Haven't you ever seen that mushy clump of red-raw gum grows up or expands exponentially every day just like a blowing baloon?! Literally?!

I was just holding that mushy clumps of red-raw gums in my hands yesterday, and now, about a dozen years later, they're all larger and taller than me!!! Believe you me, even now they're still raw and mushy!

You see, grown-ups forget to breathe . . . . and that's why they get old. 

You don't have to go that way. Follow the natural flow and grow. At the same time, keep breathing . . . . and that's the secret. 

- The Secret?!

Yup. Just look. 

What is the one element in the universe that is most ancient but ever new?! Put it this way, what is that stuff which exists since the beginning of time and without it there's no life . . . anywhere?!

Yep. You know it already: Hech-Two-Oh or water

Water is one most ancient element in the universe, yet why every time you look at it, smell it and taste it, it seems to be always fresh?! It's one oldest and simultaneously the new-est and fresh-est universal element of all. 

- But how so?

You know, water flows, purifies and cleanses. Water is self-rejuvenating and it breathes . . . . Believe you me, it does breathe . . . up and down the earth atmosphere just as you're doing it right now. You're breathing it in and out of yourself all the time. Yup! 

And you whoo . . . ., 80% of you should be made up of H2O, don't you know?! 

That water in you doesn't get old. Only the other 20% of you whoo . . . . do. But with H2O even that 20% get rejuvenated! 

Just observe the plants' kingdom and you'll see. Concretely, ask yourself this: how do the Sequoia red wood trees in California live over thousands of years?! 

Or specifically speaking, the Methuselah tree, which is still living in White Mountain, Inyo County, California, is now 4,841 years old?! That's Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty One years young in 2010!

- Hmm!? How?

Isn't it because they know how to conserve H2O and breathe . . . .?

Let's return to you whoo . . .  and do it properly this time. As babies 80% of y'all were made up of water. As grown-ups 55-60% of y'all are water.

- What happened?!

Well, there seems to be a correlation between old-age and the loss of H2O! As we get old, we lose water and losing water is a sign of old-age. Isn't it so?!

Just observe. You could see all the wrinkles around you eyes and necks and hands and all over?! Aren't they victims of  lacking Hech-Two-Oh?!

- Yet how did you come to lose or lack water? What really happened?

Again, it all has to do with breathing. Yup, breathing . . .  is creating space. Now, when you forget to breathe . . . or breathe improperly, you lose space, inner and outer. Without space, you have no place for H2O to stay. Hence . . . . old-age!

- Observe and see for yourself. In particular, observe how the children breathe . . . and see how they play with breaths . . . . Then observe how you yourself breathe . . . !

For now, why don't we all go with the flow and grow by breathing . . . .!

With this ever-expanding inner and outer breathing space, you whoo . . . . can invite The Gentle and Holy Author of Everlasting Living Water to come and stay. Then you'll become a source of living water reservation as well.

Breathe out . . . . now into the atmosphere of the Generous and Ever Living Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DAY 36 - Real Tricky

Believe it or not, I am the Enlightened One . . . !

Breathing is tricky.

You may think it's simple yet when closely examined you see a vast complex universe.

- Hmm!?

Perhaps you already know how your own breathing process operates. At least there are four (4) basic components: 

1. You breathe in . . . .
2. You hold on . . . . 
3. You breathe out . . . .
4. You stop then reverse . . . .

Now the important part is not breathing in or inhaling. You do that naturally. You can't help it. 

It's the breathing out . . . . 

- Why? 

Because you breathe in in order to breathe out. 

- Huh?!

Let's say it again: You br . . . ea . . . the . . . in . . . in-order-to br . . . ea . . . the . . . . ou . . . t.

It's OK to say the reverse. Yup! 

- t . . . . ou . . . . eht . . . . ae . . . . rb . . . . ot-redro-ni . . . . ni . . . . eht . . . . ae . . . . rb . . . . ouY. 

Are you running out of breath now? 

- Take a slurp of breath . . . then breathe out . . . .

Anyway, the tricky part is how you breathe out.

- Yup. There are many doorways to let the breath out. You can breathe out through your:

1. Nose.
2. Mouth.
3. Ears.
4. Skin pores.
5. Or any other essential part of your body. 

Yet that's only pushing the breaths out of your system. 

And here's the trick. While breathing out . . . you're at the same time breathing through . . . . and breathing at . . . . something!

- Pay close attention and see it for yourself. 

While reading this blog, you're in fact breathing at and through your eyes to provide them life-energy to perceive - that is to say, to look and see! 

- Hmm!? Don't you feel the urge to close your eyes and see if that's true?! . . . . . 

                                                       * * *
Are your eyes openned now? 

Alright. Now take your time and slowly follow this. When you shut your eyes, do you see the act of eyes-shutting accompies your breathing in . . . It's like sucking in your eyelids. 

- Yep. Look again and see.

Then when you consciously breathe at you eyeballs from behind, you naturally open them. It's like pushing your eyelids to open. 

This is really tricky!

As mentioned in a previous blog, to push requires breath. Put it another way, to breathe at something means to push it. Thoughts, desires, images, emotions, feelings all move by breaths. Breathing at them pushes them and makes them move.

Disordered or purposeless breaths make thoughts, desires, images, emotions and feelings erratic and even destructive.

- Look and examine.

Yet when you can breathe through them you cleanse them and purify yourself.

Now the point: 

- To move something or anything, you breathe at . . . . them. 
- To cleanse something or anything, you breathe through . . . . them. 
- Then at the end to release them, you breathe out . . . .

Again, this is really tricky. You need a great deal of attentiveness to see all this. And attentiveness needs lots of breaths and that means breathing out . . . now. 

- What about breathing into . . . something? 

Well, that's another animal and we'll tackle it another time or perhaps you want to do it yourself. 

For now just breathe . . . . 

"ZZZ-Zzzz-ZZzzz-hngGGggh-Ppbhww- zZZzzzZZ . . ."

Breathe out . . . now into the heart and soul of Gentle Lifegiving Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all.

Friday, October 15, 2010

DAY 35 - Sticky Stuffs.

It's mine! Till death do us part . . . . . . . ! 

Their faces turned all red. Some started giggling. Others, laughing. Then all burst out a roar of laughters. It was the sound of embarassing laughters.

- "But why?" I asked. "Why do you laugh?! What's the matter?"

No one spoke a  word. Then I continued my reading of the story A Thousand and One Arabian Nights to them. Then again when I read that particular word they all suddenly burst out laughing. 

- "What's wrong?!" I inquired. 

This time, complete silence. But I understood. 

You may wonder what was that particular word?! What was the word that made those teenage boys and girls burst out with embarassing laughters?!

Here goes: bitches! 

- Hmm?!

Yep. Bitches! 

That was written in the storybook: "Princess Zobedei told her sister, Amene, to bring out the two bitches." That's all. 

Now's the problem. Those teenagers only heard one meaning of the word and for them it's profane. It is profane when you place that particular word on people instead of the animals. That was on their mind. 

Yet how does that word or a word come to be a problem?!

- Well, isn't it all about the displacement of words? Or to be specific, names, titles and labels?

When one displaces a word out of context it could trigger negative emotional and physical reaction or even violence. Isn't it so?

Yet why does a name, a title or a label trigger such a strong physical and emotional reaction?! 

- Isn't it because you identify yourself with it? You become one with it. Now it is you and you are it. 

For instance, suppose you're a doctor, a lawyer, a priest or a bishop. Then some stranger who didn't know you're such an important person inadvertently uses that particular word on you, what is your immediate emotional reaction?

- Hope you hear the point.

Here seems to emerge a formula for suffering and hurting. The formula is as follows: 

1. My label = me.
2. You respect my label = you respect me.

3. You hurt my label = you hurt me.

Isn't that the reason why many companies spent a great deal of money, energy and time to legally protect their trademarks or brand names?! 

- Hmm! 

On a personal and deeper level, isn't that the problem of identity or identification? 

The question is who are you? Are you just a name, a title or a label? 

Look and see for yourself. Are you identifying yourself with any name, title, label, ideal, ideology or system of beliefs? Will you get mad when someone demeans and denigrates your label?

When that's the case, you're stuck. Such label or title or name or ideology or system of beliefs has become your all in all. Without it your life has no meaning. You feel you're nobody and nothing. You can't live without that label and you're even willing to die for it!

Again, the question is who are you? Are you a mere label? Is the label your ultimate reality? Are you sure?

Why don't we just examine it and open ourselves to see.

One thing is certain. I got stuck with many labels. Some, others stuck them on me. Others, I did it to myself. The same is true for you too.

Then a second thing is also certain. No matter how much I love my label and identify myself with it, even till death do us part, the label is not me. Not ever!

So who am I? Who are you?

Are you still you without the label? Can you live without it? Can you know without identifying yourself with it? Is your life still meaningful without it? 

- But of course.

Yet who or what am I really

Ask yourself this. What is it that goes in and out of your body, mind and soul day in and day out? Yet when it stops you die? Without it, you die? What is it? What is that stuff?

Well, that stuff is really your life. It gives you existence and makes you what and who you are.

You know it already. It's breath. Without it you're dead. Yup. It's breath and breathing

Breath and breathing are not name, title or label nor are they ideologies or systems of beliefs. They are real. 

Breath truly is what you are and makes you who you are. 

Now when the Lord God came down from heaven to be one with us humans, He came down by means of a Breath, the Living Breath of the Almighty - the Holy Ghost. Then one day He said, "God is spirit. Those who truly worship God, worship in truth and spirit. For God is spirit." Then further He said, "Don't you know y'all are spirits!"

We know what and who we are. We are spirits. Yup! Spirits embodied, not bodies ensouled!

We are truly spirits. In fact, you are just a breath. So am I!

Why don't we all take a slurp of breath . . . .

You can't have it. It's all mine . . . . ! 
. . . and breathe out now . . . !

Yup. Isn't that freeing? 

You can't attach or identify yourself with a breath or breathing. You can't. It's you already. Hope you see that. 

Also, breath is unstickable. Yet it can go anywhere and penetrate anything. Look, it's everywhere.

When you're content with only one breath, you'll be content with everything.
When you humble yourself, breath will lift you up.
When you're gentle with yourself and others, breath will be so for you.
When you're generous with others, breath will be generous with you. 

Yet you need to be true and truthful to yourselves.

So breathe . . . Breathe out now . . . back to where you came from and whom you belong. 

Breathe out now . . . into the Gentle and Generous Holy Ghost.

God bless y'all. 

Ps: In case you wonder,  here are the exact Biblical quotes: 

- "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:23-24). 

-  "Is it not written in your law, I said, "You are gods"?" (10:34).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

DAY 34 - Touchy Stuffs

Don't touch me! Grrrrr . . . . . . . !

Certain areas when touched hurt. Others, sooth. 

- Hmm!?

Yep. Like when a speck of dust scratches your eyeball or soapy water splashes at your eyes, y'all know what that feels like. Or when water gets into your ears . . . then when you Q-tip your ears! Hmm!? Yup. 

On the other hand, it's quite soothing when the kids pluck your grey hair with a tweezer for the reward of delicious sweets!? Or how about the first touch or taste of the cold buttery vanilla icecream on a crispy crunchy carrot-like cone and then you feel it melting on your tongue?! Isn't that quite soothing?!

Or have you ever wondered why about stuffs? Like why when others yawn somehow you want to do the same? Or why when others cough you'd hear many correspond? Or why when someone whispers in your ear you get goose bumps? Or when you sneeze don't you get that too? Or why when you hear a Canine gnarls you gasp?! . . . .

- Hmm! 

What happened then? Something touched your nerves?! . . . How does that happen? 

Somehow something happens at a deep level of your being and it's out of your conscious control. Or somehow something directly communicates to your inner self and by-passes your intelligibility. 

Look and you'll see. Whenever a profound experience occurs breath always involved.

- Don't you see or rather feel it?!

Wasn't there breath in an ear-whisper? Or a Canine-gnarl? A throat-cough? A nose-sneeze? A tongue-lick? A hair-pluck? An ear-drain? An eye-scratch? An open yawn? . . . . An open yawn? . . . . An open yawn? . . . 

Yawn . . . Yeah . . . Yawn!
- Are you yawning . . . right now?

So what's the point? 

You want an in-depth touch, you need breath. 
You want a heart touch, you need breath.
You want a soul touch, you need breath.

A person empowered with an abyss of immense inner breath touches without rational language. Only at the sight or sound of such a person you move.

Put it this way. When you're in the vincinity or step inside the aura of this immensely breath-empowered person you move.

Have you seen such kind of person? Or Are you such a person? And how can you get to be so?

Quite simple: empty yourself.

Yup. Empty yourself in preparation for the pending outpouring of the eternal inner Breath of the Almighty. When you carve away your self-importance and ego-adoration you in fact hollow yourself. You create inner space. Then when the eternal inner Breath of the All-knowing comes you'll be filled to the full. You'll be immensely and profoundly empowered.

Yet the trick is how to retain the presence of  the Gentle Holy Eternal Spirit. Yep, but how?!

Well, it's really not to keep or retain the Holy Presence. You can't. The Holy One is infinite and eternal and you . . . . . hmm!?. Nevertheless there's a way and you know it already. Yep! 

It's breathe . . . Breathe out . . . . now . . . gently!

God bless y'all.

Monday, October 11, 2010

DAY 33 - I'm back . . .

Yuck! You again?! . . . with brrrreathssss?!

Yup! Hope y'all doing well. 

After a week of retreat and preaching I'm back . . . with breath obsessed.

                                    * * *
Where were we?!

- Hmm!

We are back to breathing out now. . . . Yup!

Now, be one with your own breathing . . . Stay there . . . and look . . . .

Every time you breathe out . . . you practice breathing your last.

Where there's breath, I know and know that I am and where I am. That's also true for you and us all. Where there's breath, you know you are and we all know we are.

With breath, strength. Without it, weakness.
With breath, clarity. Without it, confusion.
With breath, thoughtfulness. Without it, thoughtlessness.
With breath, passion. Without it, depression.
With breath, life. Without it, death.

Look and see, breaths are everywhere.
Sniff and smell, breaths are right here. 
Taste and feel, breaths are unique melodies of the individuals.

Breathe out now . . . into the jubilant atmosphere of the Gentle Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all.

Monday, October 4, 2010

DAY 32 - Breath Obsessed.

When the time comes, are you ready? 

Are you ready to leave your body? 

Do you know what that means? And how to prepare? 

It's quite simple. Everybody does it everyday, even every 3 seconds, and yet many are not aware of it. 

- Hmm!?

You do it but not realize you're doing it. 

- Doing what? 

You breathe out . . . Yep! B. . . r. . . ea. . . th. . . e . . . .      ou. . . t . . . . 

In fact, you're doing it right now. And that's how you leave your body. 

Yup. When you leave your body, you breathe out . . . the last time and that's it.

And this is the meaning of breathing out . . . . 

Every time you breathe out . . . you are leaving your body. 

You can deny it, reject it, get mad at it or whatever . . . but still you are leaving your body right now. 

This is not a scare. It's the fact. 

Why don't we come to term with it and get prepared?!

Yup. Then when the time comes you are ready. 

- But how so?!

Ask yourself this. Do I have fresh breaths?

- Huh?!

Put it this way. Is my breath pure and peaceful? Or tainted with evil desires and deeds? 

If the latter, you better cleanse it. You need to purify it right now. 

- And how?!

Hmm! Quite simple: surrender.

Yup, surrender yourself by breathing out . . . all your evil thoughts and desires. 
Breathe out . . . your evil self into the atmosphere of the Gentle Holy Spirit. 

Humble yourself before Him and beseech His mercy. 

Breathe out . . . . and say: "Have mercy on me . . . a sinner." 

Breathe out now . . . into the presense of the Holy One. 

May St. Francis of Assisi pray for you.

God bless y'all.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

DAY 31- Nerve Strumming.

You think.

You who's reading this blog think. 

Are you thinking right now where is this leading?!

Well, this is leading to thinking. Yep, thinking!

Put it this way. Thinking is conversing with oneself from the inside. 

Yup! Sometimes thinking is arguing with oneself from the inner realm. You of course know the difference between having a conversation and getting into an argument. Don't you do that to yourself sometimes?

In a conversation, there are several parties and each listens to the other. Each party wants to understand the other and if something is not clear, one has the right and due respect to raise questions. Raising questions make the thoughts clear. The other parties would not take offense nor condemn raising questions. Everyone is all ears to the questions. That's what should take place in a conversation or to use a clearer term, a dialogue. 

Basically, to have a real conversation or dialogue one needs to listen and raise questions.

Then there's the other kind of conversation: argument. Yup! AARRGH . . . U . . . MEN . . . T! That's what men do. Yuck! It's starting right now . . . 

Well, when men do that there is no longer due respect to listen nor rights to raise questions. Instead, there is only might to raise voices. 

It's nerve stretching and straining. Then there shall be stress!

But what's the point of AARRGH . . . U . . . IN . . . G?! 

- Isn't it to be right and heard?! That is to say: are you with me or not?!

Suppose that's the case then does AARRGH . . . U . . . IN . . . G help the cause?! Does that make you right and heard?! Does it make others follow you?!

- Don't think so!

Raised voice makes people deaf. Soft whisper makes people want to hear. 

Try both and observe the consequences.

And on being right? Are you sure you're right? If so, let the other parties challenge. Let them raise questions. 

You know whether you're right not only when challenged. 

Suddenly, a burst of light: "You" being right?! Does it matter any more?! 

- Hmm?!

At any rate, "Right" will reveal and make itself known. Aha! . . . Haha!

Breathe . . . Breathe out  . . . now.

                                                       * * *

You see, everything you've read up to now is thinking. Yup! It's all in your head. 

Congratuation! You listen and thank you for listening.

And that's the main point: listening.

Real thinking is listening. 
Real reading is listening.
Real conversing is listening.

Once you purposely listen, you'll hear. There is no longer any need to be right. You'll hear all without conditions.

Listen to yourselft with no reservations. Listen to your thoughts, emotions, feelings, urges, needs, dreams, pains and especially your breathing . . . . Listen to them without prejudice. They will tell you a great deal about yourself. 

Once you purposely listen to yourself you'll be able to listen to others. You'll create inner space. You'll breathe out . . . silence.

It's like strumming and soothing your nerves with breaths . . . and making the most beautiful music of silence. . . Hush!

Breathe out . . . now into the peaceful silence of the Gentle Holy Ghost.

God bless y'all.

Friday, October 1, 2010

DAY 30 - To Feel Real.

Smoke. People smoke. 

Have you ever actually observe smoke close up? 

They are millions and millions of tiny specks of tar-tainted ash dust. 

When smoking, these million tar-tainted specks of ash dust got sucked inside the lungs only to scratch them. They scratch the lung to make one feel real. 

The smoking person feels real to oneself. One feels awake, alert and alive. One feels one with oneself. One also feels in control and independent. 

Then suddenly reality hits! Yup, one becomes addicted to those feelings. Smoke has become a necessity just to feel real. 

When young people do this, they feel like an adult. They lose their innocence and child-like purity. 

No one needs to be that way. No one needs to pay that price to feel real.

To feel real is simple. All you need to do is breathe. . . Breathe . . . slowly . . . .

Yup! Breathe in . . . so slow so you can feel the air scratching and soothing your nose, your forehead, your crown, you brain, your throat, your lung, your blood and your entire body. Then breathe out . . . naturally. 

Cherish the breath. Caress the breath. Conserve the breath. 

Let breaths swarm your body and swoon every fiber of your being.You'll feel real, in control, awake, alert and alive. At the same time, you'll feel young and remain young like a child playing with his or her toy. 

Breaths . . . is now my play toy. 

Play with breaths . . . The moment you stop playing with breaths, you get old. 

Wanna stay young and youthful? Play with your breaths . . . Yup!

Breathe . . . please. 

Breathe out . . .  into the wonderful freeing and playful atmosphere of the Gentle Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all.