Sunday, March 13, 2011

DAY 53 - Learning.

This is what I've learned so far.

Over here is mine . . . . . . . and that's yours.

Bake a bigger cake rather than fight to the death for a bigger piece!

Heh, everybody! Take a bite . . . .

Come on . . . stop shoving, please!

- Open a new door rather than keep waiting in line and wasting time.

Come on in . . . anyone who thirsts for Me and My Mercy!
- There are two (2) types of people: 

1. Number one: People are happy wherever you go. 
Heh, you look silly!!!
2. Number two: people are happy whenever you're gone. 

Which are you, eh?

- "Today, do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). 

Literally, "Today, don't be sad, for the gladness of the Lord is the Citadel that protects you."

Take a breath and breathe out . . . now in the joyous spirit of Lent and into the joyful aura of the Holy Spirit. 

God bless y'all.

1 comment:

  1. MMMmmmmm, assume something is soooooo delicioso that there's not enough to go around - - such as an Individual! So how do you make One into a bigger piece? Or do we all just have to eat less? In that case, for those who have a bigger appetite, they will be left feeling deprived and unsatisfied. Or perhaps, that's the trick, so they'll keep coming back hungry yearning for more ...

    Let's open our own doors, create our own opportunities, and bake our own cake! Take the initiative and God will lead us through the rest. Just make sure you finish what you start. Don't let it sit and get cold. If not, you might have a mess in the kitchen and nothing to eat.

    I am definitely in type number one!

    God bless you, Father, in the most joyous and merciful spirit of the Lord.
