Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DAY 38 - Racing in the Rain . . . !

Ain't I cool!!!? . . . Don't faint!

Melbournese are a fascinating bunch. 

Annually on that particular day, the Melbourne Cup day, the whole city became so jubilant even in the rain. All due to the horse race. 

We are not Australians . . . today we're all Melbournese!

Yesterday, actually last evening (November 01, 2010), the sky was pouring. It was cats-and-dogs raining. The streets were flooded with water, and strangely enough, also with cars and pedestrians in the rain! And yet you noticed people, the Melbournese, young and old, ladies and gentlemen, all dressed up, men in their formal attires and women with their beautiful fashion. Thousands upon thousands were soaked in the freezing weather!

Me asked, why? Why did people have to do that? 

Me guessed, it must be love. Yep! LOVE.

Y'all know it already . . . 

Love can do all things; nevertheless, nothing can fathom "love." 

Love can explain everything and yet no one can explain it satisfactorily.

Love can make you do silly stuffs and still no matter how hard you try, you couldn't seem to understand why!

Me think that was what happened to the Melbournese. They were in love - with the horses or rather the mares and the races. It goes also without saying, about the $6,000,000 AUD reward as well as the booze and beers too!

What do you mean?! . . . I see no rain! 

Love truly makes people go around the race tracks, even in the rain!

Pity! In the mean time, the churches were spaciously empty on that day. And it was All Saints day!!!

If only people were to love the Most Wonderful and Gentle Lord, the God of Mercy, with the same degree and intensity the earth would already be heaven.

Wehee!!! . . . Brrrrrrr!!!
For now, me just breathe out . . . 

Breathe out now . . . into the gentle aura of the ever-refulgent Holy Spirit.

God bless y'all.

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