Sunday, September 12, 2010

DAY 20 - Noise.

Thoughts are noisy . . .

They are noisy, particularly when they contend for precendence, recognition and existence.

Look and listen to them. Especially look and listen when they are fighting. When that happens you may notice the following sequences:

1. Differences in thoughts.
2. Conflicts in thoughts.
3. Tension in thoughts.
4. Contention in thoughts.
5. Collision in thoughts.
6. Explosion in thoughts.
7. Integration of thoughts.

How do I know which thought gains precedence and emerges on top?

- Simple. When it is expressed in verbal or written words . . . JUST . . . LIKE . . . THIS . . . BLOG!

While that happens the temperature rises. Your neck and shoulder get tense and head, hot. 

Each and every thought seems to have his or her own personality, colours and textures. You need to recognize and respect them. Otherwise they'll give you lots of trouble.

Some thoughts breed real quick. The more you fight them the stronger they become. They just love the fights. Fighting feeds and nurtures them. Then they take over you and you've lost yourself.

What kind of thoughts that breed real quick?

-  A few examples are greedy thoughts, fearful thoughts, lustful thoughts and raging thoughts. These are really catchy, infectious and viral. They suck the life out of you. 

Though these thoughts breed and spread like wild fire, they will destroy anything they touch including you and themselves in the process. Ultimately, they feed on themselves.

- Other thoughts also breed and spread exponentially everywhere, nevertheless in an orderly fashion. These are the good thoughts, loving thoughts, living thoughts, peaceful thoughts, thoughtful thoughts, truthful thoughts,  generous thoughts, giving thoughts, forgiving thoughts, joyful thoughts and happy thoughts. 

Though these grow slowly they shall remain forever. They are undestructible. They don't eat up themselves nor anyone or anything they come into contact. They give life to all. 

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Now what do thoughts feed on? What is the true food for thoughts?

You may not believe it, but it's Breaths . . . Yes, BREATHS . . .

A thought is alive because you breathe on it. 
A thought is dead not because you stop breathing on it, but you breathe on something else.

An example: This blog is alive because you visit it, read it and breathe on it. Otherwise, it has no life. 

Another example: When you're mad at someone or sad at something, pay attention to your breathing then you'll see. Normally you would feel lack of breaths . . . And when you're too focused on the object of your anger or sadness, you forget to breathe. All the breaths you take in, feed your anger and sadness. Isn't that so?!

Why don't you observe and see for yourself!  

It's like this. The more you think of the person who hurt you or the thing you've lost, the angrier or sadder you become. Hence, the lack of breaths . . .

Take love as a third example. When you love someone or something, don't you also think about him, her or it? You forget to breathe as well. Isn't that so?! Once again, observe and see for yourself.

The point is real simple. Breaths feed thoughts.

Back to the beginning, when thoughts are at war, they get noisy, so what do you do to find peace of mind?

- Breathe . . . Breathe on something else. 

Better yet, just breathe out . . . without any purpose or objective. Then breathe out . . . into the present. 

But the best is just to return your breaths . . . to its Maker. Then breathe yourself out into the presence of your Creator.

Breathe . . . Breathe out now into the light and life of the Holy Gentle Spirit. 

God bless y'all now. 

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