I live to breathe and I breathe to live. Life and death is one breath away. Take a breath and breathe out now.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
DAY 29 - Archangel Michael.
Whether you like it or not they are.
Whether you hate it or not they still are.
What are they?
- Religions and archangels.
Yup! They are here to stay. In fact, they have been here before you and shall be till the end of time. Even after time, though no more religions, the archangels still are.
How do you know?
- Just face the fact. Before you came into this life they've already been in the minds, hearts and prayers of humankind since time immemorial. After you stop this life they continue. Don't you see?!
Does it matter? What's the point anyway?
- Well, which fulfills and makes you content? With or without friends? Hopefully, friends.
How about this. How about having the archangels for your big brothers?! How about that!
Still, who are they anyway?
- Spirits. Yup, ever inspiring spirits of God! The Holy One aspires them into existence to worship and serve Him. They come forth from the breaths of the Almighty.
We, humans and the Archangels, came forth from the same Life Source, the same Holy Aspirator. We are both breaths of God. Yet they are incorporal. We, are.
Their breaths are longer and larger, deeper and higher, purer and wiser.
They have always been in contact with the Lord God. They know the Lord directly. They know God more.
They've been up and down heaven, back and forth on earth, in and out of the Lord's presence.
The atmosphere they dwell in has always been the Holy Spirit.
They know how to breathe better. They know where they came and where to return. For us, we don't and even when we do, we forget. They remind us. They help.
The archangels are here to help us breathe. Yup, breathe in and out . . . the Holy Spirit. Breathe . . . back into where we came from - into the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit.
They are ever ready and willing to help lead the way. All you need is ask.
Archangels, help!
Archangel Michael, who is God-like, help.
Archangel Raphael, who is God's life, help.
Archangel Gabriel, who is God's strength, help.
Help us breathe out . . . and bring our life-breath into the presence of the Gentle Holy Spirit.
Happy feast day!
God bless y'all now.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
DAY 28 - Panting heart?!
Hmm?! . . . Hum . . .!?
There are 3 ways to look at a question:
1. Superficial - on the surface.
2. Emotional - under the skin.
3. Spiritual - within a breath.
Now the question: "Where is your heart?"
- Superficially, you know where it is physically. You can feel it.
- Emotionally, it's where someone or something is bothering you or making your heart gasp!
- Spiritually, it's where you aspire to go and what, to be.
The inner life-breath always aspires to return to its Source, the Life Aspirator - the Holy One.
Yet the real question is not just - is your life-breath dwelling within or are you residing in the Life Aspirator, but are you allowing Him to dwell within?
Breath . . . please.
- Better yet, how do you allow the Life Aspirator to dwell within you?
Answer this. Is your heart panting?
- Hmm?!
If not, seek a place for your heart to be so.
Now, submerge yourself in your own lifebreath then sink down into your panting heart. Let it suck and swoon you inside. Allow yourself to sink even deeper till you know.
- How? How do you know?
Simple. It's when the Holy Aspirator reveals Himself to be the Eternal Holy Inspirator. From Him all life-breaths aspire. Then you know.
. . . He's dwelling within . . . .
Breathe . . . Breathe out . . . now.
God bless y'all.
Monday, September 27, 2010
DAY 27 - Wabbling Breath.
Breath is fleeting . . . .
You can't control it. You'll lose it when you attempt to control it. You can only let it be. It will help you.
When it flows yield to it. It will guide you.
Where it goes don't ask. Only observe. It will show you.
Be gentle and humble it will stay with you. You will have life.
Be respectful and reverent it will love you. You will see the Face of the Almighty.
* * *
Whenever the Almighty creates He breathes. He breathes everything into being. He breathes everyone into life. Then continuously He breathes to sustain everyone and everything.
The life-breath we breathe right now comes forth from the Almighty. It will return to Him. It always returns to Him.
That's the way we can meet the Lord God, directly.
Breathing out . . . is a necessity. Naturally you have to.
When breathing out . . . where does the life-breath go? Of course, to the Lord God.
Again, that's how we can meet the Almighty, directly.
When breathing out . . . let breath swirl over you then offer yourself. Let it take over and let yourself go.
Breath will wabble around you awhile. It will wait and see whether you're interested. If your mind and heart is somewhere else it will leave you alone. If you're interested and yield yourself, it will take you with it.
Let breath go . . . . Let yourself go . . . .
Breathe out . . . now into the Gentle Breeze of the Holy Spirit.
Good morning and God bless y'all.
Friday, September 24, 2010
DAY 26 and 17th Hour - Hmm . . . or Hum . . . !
When you hmm . . . you clam your mouth, you interject a sound, you swallow it upward, you til your head and jerk it a bit. But when you hum. . . you prolong your hmm with wordless melody and unplanned rhythm. Then you feel so free.
- Yippee . . . Hurray!
When you hmm . . . you are thoughtful, watchful, mindful, aware and you directly examine yourself in short sporadic instances. But when you hum . . . you release the hmm and relieve tension with continuous soothing sounds. You become delightful.
- Yup!
But why not try both?! Both hmming and humming, both thoughtful and delightful and both examining and freeing!
When you hmm and then hum, you breathe out . . . into both the inner and outer realm.
. . . You yield to the present,
. . . You yield to the breath,
. . . You yield to the moment,
. . . You yield to the self.
You let it take over and lead you to wherever . . .
Hmm and then hum . . . out . . . now into the delightful and gentle whispering of the Holy Ghost.
God bless y'all again.
DAY 26 - Schools of thoughts.
One person tells me, "Examine everything, especially yourself."
- Hmm?!
Another says, "Be thoughtful."
- Hmm?!
Another, "Be watchful."
- Hmm?!
And "Be mindful."
- Hmm?!
Then "Be aware."
- Hmm?!
One observer says, "One who is thoughtful and ever reflecting on every thought shall not fall into the wiles of the tempter nor fear demons or angels or any kind of spirit. Nor shall one fear of going to hell or not going to heaven."
And I say . . . . You know what I'd say!? Right?!
- Yep. Hmm?!
Breathe . . . breathe on or rather hmm . . . on them all.
Close your eyes, return to your senses and breathe out . . . into the momentary infinity inside - who is you and breathe this you out . . . into God, the Holy Ghost.
God bless y'all now.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
DAY 24 - Space tyranny.
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See how long you can hold your breath. One . . . Two . . . I win! |
Breathing out . . . is creating inner space. But for what? What's the use of space?
Isn't it to be, to move and to live in?! And who or what will be, move and live in this inner space?
In case you don't know how to create space and what it means, please return to your senses and return your senses to yourself by shutting your eyes and then breathe . . .
Breathe out . . . with your eyes shut, you'll realize you are in an infinite inner space . . . which is YOU. That's how you create space, inner space!
Do it and you'll see.
Now, what is all this infinite inner space - Who is YOU for? Once again, for what and whom?
- Of course, it's for you, me and us - to be, to move and to live.
But there is a problem. It's "space tyranny!"
- Yep, space tyranny! This happens when somebody - either you, me or we takes over your whole inner space and leaves no room for anybody else.
You try to be, move and live in this inner space which is YOU, but just can't. You feel suffocated. It's no longer your space or your home. You can't stay there any more. You want to be somewhere else.
What are you to do then?
- There is one easy and simple thing you can do: breathe . . .
Yup, breathe out . . . now.
Breathe out . . . anything or anyone who is occupying your inner space.
Breathe out . . . whatever you're thinking, feeling and wanting.
Breathe out . . . even you when you turn into a tyrant to yourself with selfishness, self-pity and self-idolatry.
Breathe out . . . into the true and ultimate eternal inner space - WHO IS . . . the Almighty Gentle Holy Spirit.
God bless y'all now.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
DAY 23 - Creating inner space . . .
You know . . .
Looking is creating space . . . ?
Listening is creating space . . . ?
Feeling is creating space . . . ?
Understanding is creating space . . . ?
Breathing out . . . is creating space . . . ?
* * *
There are two directions to perceive reality: outward or inward.
You know, when you project yourself outward you divide yourself?!
- How?
Through the senses.
You do this by closing your eyes and then breathe . . . !
When you shut your eyes, your senses are united. You are together once again. You become one.
At this instance, you perceive directly and altogether. There is no longer division, but only relaxation and recuperation.
When that happens, you in fact are creating inner space for yourself. You expand yourself.
Doesn't this happen after you have a good sleep?
Don't you feel fresh and free after you wake up?
And don't you feel lighter also?
* * *
Do you want to be free and stress-free?
Return to your senses and then return your senses to yourself. Then return yourself to your Maker - Who also makes senses.
- Again, how?
By closing your eyes and breathing out . . .
Breathe . . . Breathe out . . . now into the eternal presence of THE ONE WHO EVER IS . . . the Gentle Holy Spirit.
God bless y'all now.
Looking is creating space . . . ?
Listening is creating space . . . ?
Feeling is creating space . . . ?
Understanding is creating space . . . ?
Breathing out . . . is creating space . . . ?
* * *
There are two directions to perceive reality: outward or inward.
You know, when you project yourself outward you divide yourself?!
- How?
Through the senses.
Each one of your senses has its particular way and ability to perceive the outside world. Yet it also has its own limits. You know the eyes cannot see sound nor ears hear colours and the like with other senses. And that's the limit - and also how you divide yourself.
The more you project yourself outward, the more you dissipate yourself and deplete your life. You'll become exhausted.
You see that?!
* * *
Then there is the other way. Yep, the other way! It's returning to your inner self.You see that?!
* * *
You do this by closing your eyes and then breathe . . . !
When you shut your eyes, your senses are united. You are together once again. You become one.
At this instance, you perceive directly and altogether. There is no longer division, but only relaxation and recuperation.
When that happens, you in fact are creating inner space for yourself. You expand yourself.
Doesn't this happen after you have a good sleep?
Don't you feel fresh and free after you wake up?
And don't you feel lighter also?
* * *
Do you want to be free and stress-free?
Return to your senses and then return your senses to yourself. Then return yourself to your Maker - Who also makes senses.
- Again, how?
By closing your eyes and breathing out . . .
Breathe . . . Breathe out . . . now into the eternal presence of THE ONE WHO EVER IS . . . the Gentle Holy Spirit.
God bless y'all now.
Friday, September 17, 2010
DAY 22 - 16th Hour - Where are you . . . ?
Do you know where you are?
- It's an easy answer. Either you could give a location in time or in space. But that takes too long and much trouble. The easier answer is: I am here.
Are you here? Are you aware you are here?
But then where is here? Is it in this space? In this time? In this body? In this mind? Where are you really?
You see, here is relative and You, elusive!
You can't pinpoint exactly where here is nor can you, "you." Yet you know directly you are here at all time.
Please breathe out now . . . for relief.
Breathe out . . . into the presence of the Gentle Holy Spirit.
Surrender and let Him breathe Himself out . . . into you!
God bless y'all now.
DAY 22 - Eyeshut.
Does this also happen to you?
- Does what happen to me? You may ask.
When you shut your eye, don't you naturally want to take a breath and then breathe out . . . ?! And when breathing out . . . you naturally open your eyes?
Try and see for yourself.
- Eyeshut . . . Inhale . . . Breathe out . . . Eye-open.
Does that happen?
Try again.
- Eyeshut . . . Inhale . . . Breathe out . . . Eye-open.
How about this. When you yawn, don't you also naturally want to close your eyes? And then when breathing out . . . you open?
Try and see.
- Yawn . . . Eyeshut . . . Exale . . . Eye-open.
Isn't that so?
- Um . . .!? So what's the point?
Well, isn't that fascinating and at the same time helpful at all? Don't you feel relax when you do that?
The point is simple. When you shut your eyes, you perceive yourself being in an infinite space and without opening your eyes when you breathe out . . . it's not just you breathing out . . . the air into atmosphere surrounding you, you in fact breathe out life into this infinite space which is "YOU."
Then . . . you feel really relaxed.
Do you see it?! . . . Do you see the point now??
Try it and see.
- Eyeshut . . . Inhale . . . Eyes still shut and breathe out . . . down into the sole of your feet.
- Eyeshut, breathe out . . . into the crown of your head.
- Eyeshut, breathe out . . . into every cells in your body.
- Eyeshut, breathe out . . . into the present and infinite space - Who is "YOU."
Breathe . . . Breathe out now into Eternity - WHO IS . . . The Gentle Holy Ghost.
God bless y'all now.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
DAY 21 - Fuel for thought.
Look and see the mystery in you and me.
The mystery in you and me is the reality that is understandable and yet unfathomable.
That is what mystery means: the reality that is understandable but unfathomable.
- First fuel for thought (1).
* * *
Look and see for yourself.
You know you can't use the empirical or so-called "scientific method" to prove "you" exist.
Why so? Why can't we prove "you" exist scientifically?
It's simple. By "scientific method" we understand it to mean the three-steps procedure: (1) measure, (2) predict and (3) repeat. Ultimately, everything has to reduce or boil down to a theory or a formula.
Isn't this the fundamentals of the "scientific method"? Or is it just an oversimplification?
Still, isn't that what we do in science? Don't we measure or quantify? Don't we predict or formulate? Don't we attempt to seek a pattern and repeat the pattern in a controlled manner? Don't we do that to reproduce the result? Isn't that what science does?
Isn't "science" an endeavour to explain everything in terms of theory or formula? And by so doing, isn't that simplifying everything?
Suppose we agree to understand this as the "scientific method" then consequences have to follow.
One immediate consequence is this. According to this so-called "scientific" view, anything that goes beyond this method is "unscientific."
The question is what are measurable or quantifiable, predictable or formulatable and repeatable or reproduceable?
- We know, physical things are.
The next question is, are "YOU" physical?
The immediate and apparent answer should be "yes" because I have a body and I am my body. So I am physical. Nevertheless, are "YOU" merely physical? Are "YOU" only your body?
You know the answer already. Yet let's make the question clearer in more concrete terms.
When "YOU" dream, the "YOU" that is in the dream, is it real and is it physical?
Well, when "YOU" dream, your dream may not be realitistic according every other waking person's reality, but isn't it real to "YOU"?
At the same time, the "YOU" that is in the dream has no physicality and yet it's still the same "YOU" in your dream as when "YOU" are awake.
How about another instance. When "YOU" think, are "YOU" physical or not? In other words, is your body thinking or are "YOU" thinking?
The deeper questions are, is "thinking" physical? and are "YOU" the same and identical with "thinking?"
Now, is your thinking "physical"?
- As mentioned before, by "physicality" we understand it to mean what is quantifiable or measurable, formulatable or predictable and reproduceable or repeatable.
So can we apply the three-steps scientific procedure on "thoughts or thinking"?
Probably. You can count the number of thoughts. You can categorize thoughts. You can predict and formulate thoughts. You can systematize thoughts and you can repeat thoughts. By the supposed scientific definition thoughts or thinking are physical!
But doesn't that sound a bit weird?!
When we assert thinking or thought as physical, isn't there an immediate reaction to it? Thought, physical? Just like the body? Doesn't sound right?! Does it?
- Here is another source of fuel for thought (2).
Let's get to the bottom of this.
First, we need to make clear of something: you can't count my thoughts, nor can I, yours. Isn't that clear?
Put it in another way. You cannot get into my head to count my thoughts, nor can I, to yours. Objectively speaking, I cannot stand from the outside and look at you and then count the number of thoughts in your mind. However what I can do is to count the thoughts you express in verbal or written words. So what I can really count are words.
It then follows that what I can quantify or measure, predict or formulate, and repeat or reproduce are words.
Now, when I hear or read your words and internalize them, then they become my thoughts. No longer yours. In that way, we share something together, but not necessarily the exact or identical thoughts for I might have misinterpreted or misunderstood your thoughts. Nevertheless, we probably share something together.
Now, on the subjective side, when I count my thoughts I do not need to use my external senses. That is to say, I do not need my eyes to see, ears to hear or fingers to touch the number of my thoughts. I do that directly.
With the external senses, I have to go through a certain standard process. Let's use the eyes as an example. With the eyes I have to do the following:
1. Look.
2. See.
3. Perceive.
4. Interpret.
5. Understand.
6. Retain.
7. Express.
On the other hand, without the senses I could just directly count my thoughts in my mind. There will be no misinterpretation nor misunderstanding of what I think. I directly know what I think.
So the point is thoughts become physical when they are outside in verbal and written words. That is, when expressed.
Hope this is some fuel for more thoughts.
* * *
Next, the more important question is: are "YOU" the same and identical with "thought" or "thinking"?
Of course, you can see the distinction between "YOU" and your thinking. You are what you're thinking just as you are your body, but you're not entirely and wholly what you're thinking. You are above and beyond and underlying what you're thinking. So "YOU" are not the same nor are "YOU" identical with thinking.
As supposedly and scientifically established, there probably are some physicality in thinking since we can measure, predict and repeat verbal and written thoughts. Yet can we measure, predict and repeat "YOU"?
The answer is obvious: Nope!
Well, we can count "YOU." Yes, we can: ONE. And then there is no other.
Can we predict or formulate "YOU"?
- Again, nope!
Perhaps your behaviors or sentiments or ways of thoughts, but not "YOU."
Since there is only one "YOU" what is there to predict or formulate?! "YOU" mysteriously and beautifully happens only once and for all. There is no way I can reduce "YOU" to a formula. "YOU" are unpredictable.
Finally, can we repeat or reproduce "YOU"?
You may say, according to the theory of evolution, humans came from the apes but you cannot say "YOU" come from the apes. For the monkey is not "YOU" nor are "YOU," monkey! Neither anybody else is "YOU" nor "YOU," anybody else!
"YOU" can only be "YOU" and nobody can be "YOU." "YOU" are unrepeatable.
Isn't that again fuel for thought?!
Please breathe . . . Breathe out now for tension relief.
* * *
Let's recapitulate. It seems "YOU" cannot be proven to exist scientifically and therefore, the existence of "YOU" is unscientific.
The taboo is this. When we say something unscientific, we immediately identify it with something unreal or not realistic!
Yet, is that so? Can you say since "YOU" cannot scientifically be proven; therefore "YOU" are unreal and not realistic? Does that sound right?
The question then is "Are "YOU" real?"
- The answer is affirmative and yet not scientific. In other words, "I" am real but not scientific, "YOU" are real but not scientific, "WE" are real but not scientific. And isn't that a mystery?
The mystery in YOU and ME and WE is understadable but unfathomable.
This requires us to move into a different plane of knowledge called "Direct Knowing."
We know, you know, I know, we all exist. This comes about by direct knowing, more than mere scientific proof.
Put it another way, I know directly I exist. You know directly you exist. We know directly we exist. And we all exist directly.
The point is clear. There are many realities which are above and beyond and underlying science. One reality is right under your nose - and that is the mystery in "YOU."
Enough fuel for thought, today.
Breathe . . . Breathe out now into the Holy Presence of God's lifegiving Breath, the Holy Spirit.
God bless y'all now.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
DAY 20 - Noise.
Thoughts are noisy . . .
They are noisy, particularly when they contend for precendence, recognition and existence.
Look and listen to them. Especially look and listen when they are fighting. When that happens you may notice the following sequences:
1. Differences in thoughts.
2. Conflicts in thoughts.
3. Tension in thoughts.
4. Contention in thoughts.
5. Collision in thoughts.
6. Explosion in thoughts.
7. Integration of thoughts.
How do I know which thought gains precedence and emerges on top?
- Simple. When it is expressed in verbal or written words . . . JUST . . . LIKE . . . THIS . . . BLOG!
While that happens the temperature rises. Your neck and shoulder get tense and head, hot.
Each and every thought seems to have his or her own personality, colours and textures. You need to recognize and respect them. Otherwise they'll give you lots of trouble.
Some thoughts breed real quick. The more you fight them the stronger they become. They just love the fights. Fighting feeds and nurtures them. Then they take over you and you've lost yourself.
What kind of thoughts that breed real quick?
- A few examples are greedy thoughts, fearful thoughts, lustful thoughts and raging thoughts. These are really catchy, infectious and viral. They suck the life out of you.
Though these thoughts breed and spread like wild fire, they will destroy anything they touch including you and themselves in the process. Ultimately, they feed on themselves.
- Other thoughts also breed and spread exponentially everywhere, nevertheless in an orderly fashion. These are the good thoughts, loving thoughts, living thoughts, peaceful thoughts, thoughtful thoughts, truthful thoughts, generous thoughts, giving thoughts, forgiving thoughts, joyful thoughts and happy thoughts.
Though these grow slowly they shall remain forever. They are undestructible. They don't eat up themselves nor anyone or anything they come into contact. They give life to all.
* * *
Now what do thoughts feed on? What is the true food for thoughts?
You may not believe it, but it's Breaths . . . Yes, BREATHS . . .
A thought is alive because you breathe on it.
A thought is dead not because you stop breathing on it, but you breathe on something else.
An example: This blog is alive because you visit it, read it and breathe on it. Otherwise, it has no life.
Another example: When you're mad at someone or sad at something, pay attention to your breathing then you'll see. Normally you would feel lack of breaths . . . And when you're too focused on the object of your anger or sadness, you forget to breathe. All the breaths you take in, feed your anger and sadness. Isn't that so?!
Why don't you observe and see for yourself!
It's like this. The more you think of the person who hurt you or the thing you've lost, the angrier or sadder you become. Hence, the lack of breaths . . .
Take love as a third example. When you love someone or something, don't you also think about him, her or it? You forget to breathe as well. Isn't that so?! Once again, observe and see for yourself.
The point is real simple. Breaths feed thoughts.
Back to the beginning, when thoughts are at war, they get noisy, so what do you do to find peace of mind?
- Breathe . . . Breathe on something else.
Better yet, just breathe out . . . without any purpose or objective. Then breathe out . . . into the present.
But the best is just to return your breaths . . . to its Maker. Then breathe yourself out into the presence of your Creator.
Breathe . . . Breathe out now into the light and life of the Holy Gentle Spirit.
God bless y'all now.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
DAY 19 - Like the last time . . .
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The enlightened one! |
I start timing my breaths . . .
At 6:17 pm I count . . . then by 6:18 pm I counted 24 breaths . . . Then at 6:20 pm I count . . . by 6:22 pm I counted 48 breaths . . . Once again, at 9:56 pm I count . . . by 9:57 pm I counted 24 breaths . . .
This happens in a normal stress-free environment.
(1) Suppose it is the case in every minute I breathe 24 times, then in one hour I should breathe 1,440 breaths. And in 24 hours I should breathe 34560 breaths . . .
Isn't that fascinating?!
The number of 24 breaths I breathe in one minute corresponds with the number 24 hours of one day. Then what's even more interesting is the number of breaths I breathe in a day has a ascending order of 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . and then BOOM . . . Zero!!!
In a day I breathe out 34560 breaths . . . !
Again (2) suppose that is a consistent constant, then in a year I should breathe 12,614,400 breaths.
Let's say it again slowly and breathe out . . . this time: Twelve . . . million . . . six . . . hundred . . . and . . . fourteen . . . thousand . . . four . . . hundred . . . breaths . . . I . . . breathe . . . out . . . in . . . a . . . year.
Now the Holy King David wrote in his psalm 90 as follows:
All our days pass away in Your anger,
Our life is over like a sigh.
Our span is seventy years
Or eighty for those who are strong (Ps 90:9-10).
Our life is over like a sigh!
When the time comes you will breathe out your last with a sigh . . . .
A third time, (3) suppose as King David says you are strong and live up to 80 years of age. Then how many days are there in 80 years?
- Well, it's 29,200 days.
Fourth time: (4) Suppose you're now 40 years old, you then have only 14,600 days more to live.
Fifth time: (5) Suppose you're now 60, you then have only 7,300 days more to live.
Sixth time: (6) Suppose you're now 70, you then have only 3,650 days more to live.
Seventh time: (7) Suppose you're now 75, you have 1,825 days more . . .
That is, suppose you are strong and live up to 80. Or perhaps today is it!
Suppose now is the instant your life-breath runs out, then what you're gonna do?!
* * *
I start timing my breath and found out the following:
- Suppose I live up to 80, I then have 466,732,800 breaths to breathe out . . . That is Four Hundred and Sixty Six million, Seven Hundred and Thirty Two thousand, Eight hundred breaths . . . .
The fact is there will be a definite time in space I breathe out . . . my last.
Why not start cherishing each and every one of my breath . . . now?!
Why not start breathing out as if each and every one of my breath . . . is the last?!
Why not start living in each breath and enjoying it while I can?!
My life lies in one sigh. Then why not breathe each and every breath like the last time?!
Once I am content with only one breath, then I can be content with anything comes along.
So precious is Breath . . . . Love it. Cherish it. Enjoy it.
Breathe . . . Breathe out now like the last you'll ever breathe and rejoice
in the Holy Presence of the Generous Breath-giving Holy Spirit.
God bless y'all now.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
DAY 18 - Like the first time . . .
Morning has broken,
Like the first morning . . .
You're awaken . . .
You stretch . . .
You yawn . . .
You open your eyes . . .
You look into the mirror . . .
You giggle . . . then say, "Wow! What a beautiful sight!"
Just like your mother when she saw you for the first time, she says, "What a beautiful sight!"
Just like the Lord God Almight when He saw you for the first time, He says, "What a beautiful sight!"
Just like you do now when you see the divine image in the mirror, you say, "What a beautiful sight!"
Everytime the Lord God sees you, it's always the first time. It's always Divine. It's always, "Wow! What a beautiful sight!"
It's just breathtaking. It's sudden suffocation!
Do you see?!
It must be. Everytime you see, it must always be the first time. You giggle . . . then say, "What a beautiful sight!"
Now please apply that to everyone else . . . today!
Breathe . . . Breathe out now and say, "Beautiful!"
Good morning and God bless y'all now.
Like the first morning . . .
You're awaken . . .
You stretch . . .
You yawn . . .
You open your eyes . . .
You look into the mirror . . .
You giggle . . . then say, "Wow! What a beautiful sight!"
Just like your mother when she saw you for the first time, she says, "What a beautiful sight!"
Just like the Lord God Almight when He saw you for the first time, He says, "What a beautiful sight!"
Just like you do now when you see the divine image in the mirror, you say, "What a beautiful sight!"
Everytime the Lord God sees you, it's always the first time. It's always Divine. It's always, "Wow! What a beautiful sight!"
It's just breathtaking. It's sudden suffocation!
Do you see?!
It must be. Everytime you see, it must always be the first time. You giggle . . . then say, "What a beautiful sight!"
Now please apply that to everyone else . . . today!
Breathe . . . Breathe out now and say, "Beautiful!"
Good morning and God bless y'all now.
Monday, September 6, 2010
DAY 17 - Balloon.
Want to get high? Be light.
The higher you climb, the lighter you need.
- And how? How do you become light?
You know. Get rid of all the unnecessary baggages.
You do that as a traveller. You pack only what's necessary.
- But what is the true necessity?
Of course, food and water.
Yet, nothing like breath . . .
Breath . . . is the ultimate.
As long as you are able and has breath to breathe, you still can do.
With breath, strength. Without breath, death.
And yet you cannot pack breath. It's already present everywhere.
Neither can you bring along your ability to breathe, it has been granted you . . . for the time being.
All you need to do is use it and breathe out . . .
Return it to the rightful Owner.
And you know WHO THAT IS . . . .
The journey on high requires you to use your breathing wisely.
Breath . . . will always be present. But your ability . . . will not.
Breath . . . exists from eternity to eternity. You were not and will not.
Unless you allow yourself to be . . . . Be now.
You know. You can't be past nor future. . . Only now.
It's your mind and desire that trick you to live in the past and future.
But you can only be now.
Once again, how?
You turn yourself over and let Breath . . . take over.
Once taken over, breath will lead the way.
Breath . . . will make you light.
Breath . . . will give you life.
Breath . . . will make you strong.
Breath . . . will help you be . . . now.
Strange! You are light and strong at the same time.
Strange! You were not and will not, then now you are!
Only the Holy One, WHO IS . . . can do that.
But be careful!
Don't attempt to own breath and keep breath for yourself.
It will blow you up and up and higher and higher.
'Til you burst . . . just like a balloon.
Be careful!
Only breathe out . . . and give out . . .
Give back what belongs to the rightful Owner,
WHO IS . . .
the Lord of Life,
the Everliving Breath of God,
the Gentle Holy Ghost.
Breathe . . . Breathe out now.
God bless you'all.
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