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The ultimate power of the universe: WORDS. WORDS can make or break you. In turn you can make or break lives with WORDS. |
- Making a promise binds.
- Breaking a promise binds.
- Getting angry binds.
- Giving in to fear binds.
- Believing binds.
- Doubting binds.
Behind everything you do, there are layers of emotions.
Below each layer of emotion there is a conviction.
Before the conviction there is a word you heard and trust.
Watch and see.
You can't make or break a promise unless you convince yourself to!
You can't get angry or give in to fear unless you keep hearing someone insulting you from the inside.
You can't believe or doubt unless you tell yourself to confront the facts and consequences.
All due to words.
Words start war. Words make peace.
Words bring death. Words create life.
Words condemn. Words save.
Words affect emotions.
Emotions affect breaths.
Breaths affect your health and well-being.
Of course words also free.
You could make a person mad with only one word. Yup, try call your boss, "Stupid!"
Or you could make a person glad. Say to someone with sincerity, "Thank you. I love you."
You could break a person. Say repeatedly, "You're ugly. You're nobody. You're gonna fail."
Or you could make a person. Say unceasingly, "You're beautiful. You're good. You can do it."
Choose and use words carefully, especially when dealing with our own fragile heart and others' as well.
You can breathe now.
Breathe out . . . now into the merciful realm of the ever-creating and loving Eternal Word.
God bless your breaths.
The immense power of words lies in the meaning the words imply. Words trigger ideas, memories, situations, circumstances, concepts, thoughts, and feelings from the subconscious mind into corresponding emotional responses and actions. Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build psychological connections and influence how we think. Since words have power over thoughts and action, powerful connection animates between the words we use and the results we get. Poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold people back. Well chosen words can motivate, offer hope, create vision, impact thinking and alter results. They also impact and influence people we converse with. Every one of us has access to the same amount of words. Learn to harness and use words wisely. Have words work for you, and not against you. Select and choose each word as if it mattered. With sincere appreciation. God bless you, Father, with every breath.