Yum . . .Yum. You should try it sometimes. It tastes like chicken! |
Breathing is feeding.
Yup. You're feeding yourself right now just by breathing . . . .
You're feeding your body, mind and soul with breath . . . .
Every morning you wake up, the first thing you sometimes consciously do is breathing . . . . Other times, you're just zombie unconscious.
Whichever way, conscious or unconscious, you feed yourself with breathing . . . .
Every time you breathe, don't you feel like you're expanding yourself?! That is to say, by breathing in . . . . you expand your inner space and breathing out . . . . you expand your outer space. Either way or even both ways, breathing is expanding. Isn't it so?
- Look and examine.
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The Secret of the Universe lies in the Nose. I smell someth'n fishy around here . . . ! |
I was just holding that mushy clumps of red-raw gums in my hands yesterday, and now, about a dozen years later, they're all larger and taller than me!!! Believe you me, even now they're still raw and mushy!
You see, grown-ups forget to breathe . . . . and that's why they get old.
You don't have to go that way. Follow the natural flow and grow. At the same time, keep breathing . . . . and that's the secret.
- The Secret?!
Yup. Just look.
What is the one element in the universe that is most ancient but ever new?! Put it this way, what is that stuff which exists since the beginning of time and without it there's no life . . . anywhere?!
Yep. You know it already: Hech-Two-Oh or water.
Water is one most ancient element in the universe, yet why every time you look at it, smell it and taste it, it seems to be always fresh?! It's one oldest and simultaneously the new-est and fresh-est universal element of all.
- But how so?
You know, water flows, purifies and cleanses. Water is self-rejuvenating and it breathes . . . . Believe you me, it does breathe . . . up and down the earth atmosphere just as you're doing it right now. You're breathing it in and out of yourself all the time. Yup!
And you whoo . . . ., 80% of you should be made up of H2O, don't you know?!
That water in you doesn't get old. Only the other 20% of you whoo . . . . do. But with H2O even that 20% get rejuvenated!
Just observe the plants' kingdom and you'll see. Concretely, ask yourself this: how do the Sequoia red wood trees in California live over thousands of years?!
Or specifically speaking, the Methuselah tree, which is still living in White Mountain, Inyo County, California, is now 4,841 years old?! That's Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty One years young in 2010!
- Hmm!? How?
Isn't it because they know how to conserve H2O and breathe . . . .?
Let's return to you whoo . . . and do it properly this time. As babies 80% of y'all were made up of water. As grown-ups 55-60% of y'all are water.
- What happened?!
Well, there seems to be a correlation between old-age and the loss of H2O! As we get old, we lose water and losing water is a sign of old-age. Isn't it so?!
Just observe. You could see all the wrinkles around you eyes and necks and hands and all over?! Aren't they victims of lacking Hech-Two-Oh?!
- Yet how did you come to lose or lack water? What really happened?
Again, it all has to do with breathing. Yup, breathing . . . is creating space. Now, when you forget to breathe . . . or breathe improperly, you lose space, inner and outer. Without space, you have no place for H2O to stay. Hence . . . . old-age!
- Observe and see for yourself. In particular, observe how the children breathe . . . and see how they play with breaths . . . . Then observe how you yourself breathe . . . !
For now, why don't we all go with the flow and grow by breathing . . . .!
With this ever-expanding inner and outer breathing space, you whoo . . . . can invite The Gentle and Holy Author of Everlasting Living Water to come and stay. Then you'll become a source of living water reservation as well.
Breathe out . . . . now into the atmosphere of the Generous and Ever Living Holy Spirit.
God bless y'all.
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