Sunday, August 7, 2011


Y'all know what that is!

- It's the study of knowledge.

What am I? How am I? Who am I?
Yep. There are three kinds of them.

1. Knowing about. 
2. Knowing how.
3. Knowing the person.

First: Knowing about is knowing the facts, figures and formulas. You get titles for this. 

Then: Knowing how is not just knowing how things work in your head. It's knowing how in practice. You get involved and in-touch with the things then you know. You get your hands dirty. The more you touch it the more you know. It's art.

Last: Knowing the person needs a great deal of sense and sensibility and sensitivity as well. For the person is a mystery. 

The first person you should know is yourself. Self-knowing is the beginning of true living. 

There are three kinds of self-knowing:

When am I? Where am I? Why am I?

1. Knowing the self in the past - and that is called history. 
2. Knowing the self in the future - which is understanding.
3. Knowing the self in the present - and this requires wisdom.

Good luck.

Take a deep breath. Then breathe out . . . now. 

God bless y'all.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

DAY 58 - The Utlimate Betrayal.

Self-betrayal . . . Yep, that's the ultimate.

Yet how do you betray yourself then?

Simple, by denying your own true and good nature.

How so?

Well, let's dare honestly acknowledge we by nature are selfish. We want good things and everything good for ourselves. At the same time we will do all in our power to avoid whatever does harm to us in any way. 

Now then by definition selfishness should protect us from doing harm to ourselves. So what are the things that do harm to us? 

Does lying or cheating or stealing or ill wishing or bad mouthing and all the likes do harm to us?!

Of course the question is self-answered.

I love you sooooooo ....... Smack! Mmmuahh!

Yet knowing full well the harmful consequences entailed such acts why then do we keep doing them?! Some even become addicted to them! Why?

In essence such acts deify oneself and give one the faux feeling of deity. Most of all they are within our human capability and easy to do. One needs no formal education to do them. They come naturally!

Still they do harm, great harm.

The question is dare anyone go to the ultimate bottom of selfishness? That means when one is honest and true one would avoid doing any and all harm to oneself. That's the ultimate selfishness. 

How to avoid doing harms to oneself?

We arghhhhhhhh . . . . the world!

The ultimate selfishness should be selflessness. Instead of taking one gives. One gives all and at all time without counting the expense then joy comes, stays and lingers. It's a profound joy that transforms into contentment.

And that's the ultimate betrayal - the betrayal of the selfish human nature.

God bless y'all.

Roma 02 Agosto