Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DAY 57 - To Lie or To Die?

Hi, what kind of world am I getting into here?
That is the new question.

Many a person in this world operates on the belief, "Either you lie or you die." 

That's why lie is so prevalent everywhere, especially in the human heart.

Of course, you know, lie derives from fear, that is if the person is still human. Once lie no longer derives from fear the person loses the conscience and humanity itself. 

There then, lie becomes a living style. Lie now is called lying and has turned into a habit of manipulation and a means to gain goods such as power, property and prestige. 

Here now, the individual has splitted in two. The outter person is not the exact authentic projection of the inner but only an acting facade.

And that's how the present humankind seems to work. Lying has become a means of survival and a mode of being. That is, either you lie or you die.

So anyone who hates lie and doesn't lie will have to face the consequence: death. 

Truth-loving individuals are rare. Even more rare are the truth-living individuals. 

Where are these people? Where can they be found?

- Here, in me? Or there, in you? Where?! 

There they are . . . !

To enter the realm of truth-loving and truth-living, one needs a complete and total conversion of heart, mind and soul. One needs to choose: either fostering and following the belief, "you either lie or you die" or ridding of it and willing the belief, "I rather die than lie!"

The truth shall set you . . . 
Imagine . . . a world in which each and every individual would rather die than lie, what will happen to this world?! 

- Hmm?!

And that's the new question.

Take a deep breath and breathe out . . . into the glorious Spirit of Living Truth.

Good morning everywhere and Happy Holy Week.

God bless y'all.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

DAY 56 - Contrite.


That is the reason why some keep affirming: "I cannot forgive."

Yup, that's the reason.

No way Jose . . . . Didn't do anything wrong!
You can't forgive unless you're contrite.

You won't be contrite unless you acknowledge you do need forgiveness.

You won't need forgiveness unless you admit you did wrong and committed sins.

. . . so much.
You won't admit your sins unless you know yourself.

You won't know yourself unless you examine yourself.

You wont' examine yourself unless you look into yourself.

You won't look into yourself unless you love yourself.

You won't love yourself unless you're content being you.

You won't be content unless you listen.

They're all gone . . . . and here I am.

You won't listen unless you stay still and silent . . . 

Breathing out . . . . in silence.

You can't stay still and silent unless you start breathing out . . . now.

                                                                       * * *
Are you content?

Then take a breath and breathe yourself out . . . now into the gentle Holy Spirit of Living Wisdom.

God bless y'all.